
January 24, it’s women first in sports

As you may know, this Tuesday, January 24th is the International Women's Sports Day.

Okay, that's all well and good, but what's the point?
Created in 2014 at the initiative of the CSA (French Broadcasting Council), the International Women's Sports Day defends a clear and committed objective: the recognition of the place of women in sport. Whether it is in sports governing bodies or on any field, women are still too often put aside, and women's sports suffer from under-coverage by media. Of course, one day a year is not enough to solve this problem, but it is a promising first step for some and the continuation of daily efforts for others.

Yes, mentalities are evolving, and matters are improving. The most recent example is the Euro football tournament, during which women's sports were able to impose themselves on TV more than ever, thrilling many viewers. Public interest is growing, and broadcasters are giving more and more visibility to women's sports teams and competitions. Women are gaining ground in sports and that's a very good thing!

What are we doing at Golden Palace to promote women in sports?
At Golden Palace, we are going straight to the heart of the matter, since, as we announced a short while ago, we have been supporting Caroline Soussigne for several months now. This young athlete perfectly embodies women sports: in addition to being a professional triathlete, Caroline is also a sports physiotherapist and President of the Superbikers mountain bike club!

Not to mention that, despite a male-dominated sector, our teams include many women. Casinos and sports betting are not just for men, and these women prove it every day through their jobs!