
Bye bye, unnecessary waste, hello Ecopoon!

Golden Palace is delighted to announce the inclusion of Ecopoon coffee spoon biscuits in all its games rooms in Belgium. This initiative will make it possible to replace 25.200 number of disposable coffee stirrers and 143.700 number of packaged biscuits each year.

Our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not limited to eliminating unnecessary waste. We are also committed to supporting local businesses that share our values. Ecopoon's coffee stirrers, produced in Belgium, are a perfect example: they combine innovation, sustainability and respect for the environment.

By replacing disposable spoons and packaged biscuits, we are offering our customers a pleasant and environmentally responsible experience. In fact, the staff at our head office are already setting an example by enthusiastically adopting these delicious spoons, proving that it's possible to reconcile pleasure and responsibility.

Every gesture counts, and with Ecopoon, we're proving that even small, 'simple' actions can have a big impact... one swirl at a time 😉